set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "58"& QUOTE set temp1= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "129"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #74:temp0,#15:temp1] set VideoList = [] @ DUCK WITH GRAPES Put the ducks with half of the butter into a casserole. Sear slightly over a moderate heat without allowing to brown. Then put the open casserole into a hot oven (350F) after having moistened with 4 tablespoons of water. Salt, pepper. Bake, turning the ducks several times, for 35 minutes. Take out of the oven. Remove the legs from the bodies, keep the bodies warm, covered, without cooking any longer. Skim the fat off the juice in the casserole, add the remaining butter and the finely chopped shallots. Cook for a few minutes while stirring. Add the duck legs, sprinkle with brandy. Remove from the heat and allow to marinate for 10 minutes. Moisten with the Muscadet and 7 tablespoons of squeezed grape juice. Cook over a low heat for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, detach the wings and the whole fillets from the carcass. Separate into pieces, but not in strips. The meat must remain pinkish. Heat the remaining grapes with a tablespoon of butter until transparent, not more. Take the duck legs out of the sauce, sieve the sauce, skim the fat off. Adjust the seasoning, add the juice which came out when you cut the pieces, add the meat and the grapes, reheat completely, add the cream little by little (the cream is optional). Decorate the dish with croutons browned in butter. @ 2 ducks 1 lb white grapes (muscat grapes) 4 shallots 2/3 cup Muscadet white wine 4 tbsp brandy 3 1/2 oz butter salt, pepper 2 tbsp thick cream @ 30 mn @ 65 mn @ @ Poitou-Charentes @ Poultry, Game @ @ Brouilly @